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Business Council

The Warsaw Health Innovation Hub Council operates under the auspices of the President of the Agency for Medical Research and has an advisory and opinion-making character. The Chairman of the Council shall be the President of Medical Research Agency.

The Council consists of entrepreneurs operating in the Polish medical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological sector or organizations of such entrepreneurs, with which ABM has concluded an agreement on cooperation in the area of creating innovative medical, technological and legal solutions of systemic importance for improving patients' health and increasing the efficiency of the Polish health care system.

The purpose and function of the Council is:

a) recommending and evaluating solutions of medical, technological and legal nature, aimed at significant improvement of the functioning of the Polish health care system,

b) identification of public interest taking into account health safety of the beneficiaries and increasing the quality and effectiveness of the Polish health care system in creating and implementing innovative solutions in the field of medical and health sciences by individual members of the Council,

c) establishing and shaping relations between economic, public, scientific entities cooperating within the biomedical sector,

d) to create a strategy for the promotion and dissemination of innovative medical, technological and legal solutions to improve patients' health and the efficiency of the Polish health care system,

e) dissemination of good practices in the field of innovation dissemination and effectiveness enhancement of the Polish biotechnology and pharmaceutical sector.




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