Warsaw Health Innovation Hub EN

01.09.2024, 12:13

New partners on board of Warsaw Health Innovation Hub

Two more companies have signed cooperation agreements joining the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub. Among the partners we welcome MSD Poland and Pfizer Poland.
Warsaw Health Innovation Hub is the first initiative of this kind in Central Europe, which brings together the cooperation of the public sector and business in order to create innovative medical, technological and legal solutions for improving patients' health and increasing the efficiency of the Polish health care system. At the June launch, five companies joined WHIH: AstraZeneca, EIT Health, Microsoft, Polpharma and Roche. In October, companies joined WHIH: Vamed, IQVIA, Merck Polska, Takeda Pharma. After MSD Poland and Pfizer Poland joined, there are 11 companies in the Hub which will cooperate to increase innovation and efficiency of the Polish healthcare system.

- The Warsaw Health Innovation Hub is growing, more global companies are joining to develop medical innovations in Poland. This is the first such initiative in Central Europe, which begins to set standards in Europe. More countries are interested in creating their own initiatives on the model of WHIH, it's a great success for us. I am glad that another two companies have joined this group and I hope that soon we will be able to talk about the first joint projects and initiatives. The WHIH is not only about projects developing innovations of the highest quality in the health care sector but also about activities enabling their implementation and use for higher quality of treatment of patients - said Radosław Sierpiński, MD, President of the Medical Research Agency.

During the meeting at the seat of the Medical Research Agency, the agreement on cooperation with Pfizer Polska was signed by Dorota Hryniewiecka-Firlej, President of the Management Board of Pfizer Polska and dr hab. Radosław Sierpiński, President of MRA.

- Joining the WHIH is of great value for Pfizer as a partner of Polish healthcare, as it allows us to get even more involved in the implementation of modern medical technologies and therapies. The experience of the last two years has reminded us all that breakthroughs are still possible and that through collaboration we are able to deliver new solutions to patients faster than ever. Let us remember that science will always win - says Dorota Hryniewiecka-Firlej, the President of the Management Board of Pfizer Polska.

Another company with which the agreement was solemnly signed is MSD Polska. The signing of the agreement took place in a wider circle of MSD representatives and the agreement was signed with President Sierpiński by Cyril Schiever, President for Europe at MSD.

- As a leading biopharmaceutical company, we are committed to translating the latest scientific advances into innovative treatments that address unmet global health needs. Together with the Medical Research Agency and other partners gathered in the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub, we intend to work together on initiatives supporting further modernization of the Polish healthcare system. We want to contribute to strengthening the role of Poland as a place where medical and biotechnological innovations are created, and to improving the health of patients in Poland," emphasizes Cyril Schiever, President for Europe at MSD.

The signing ceremony was also attended by:

  • Jasper Kunow, AVP, MSD President for CEE cluster,
  • Thomas Johansson, Executive Director of Clinical Research for the CEE cluster,
  • Dimitri Gitas, Managing Director of MSD Poland
  • Marcin Bodio, Director of Health Policy and Communications, MSD Poland
  • In addition to signing the agreement, representatives of both companies had the opportunity to discuss their ideas and plans for involvement in the hub with President Sierpinski and the team of the Biotechnology Innovation and Development Department.
