Warsaw Health Innovation Hub EN

01.09.2024, 12:21

Adamed, Amgen and Sanofi new WHIH partners

The Warsaw Health Innovation Hub is gaining more and more interest. Recently three more companies have joined the Hub as WHIH partners.
At the end of November a cooperation agreement was signed with the Polish company Adamed. The agreement was signed by Radosław Sierpiński, PhD, President of the Medical Research Agency and Paweł Roszczyk, Member of the Board of Adamed Pharma S.A., Managing Director.

- By joining the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub, we are becoming part of an important platform for patients to develop innovations in the healthcare system. Together with the Adamed team, we hope that the aggregated potential of knowledge and international experience shared by each of the member companies will be an incubator for strategic, bold and groundbreaking initiatives to improve quality and treatment in Poland. Obviously, the time of the pandemic has been and still is a period of special test for the industry's responsibility and cooperation. Hence, the natural presence of Adamed in the Hub. Dialogue, openness and readiness to work for the benefit of patients with a wide range of stakeholders are key for us - said Paweł Roszczyk Member of the Board of Adamed Pharma S.A., Managing Director.

MRA President Radosław Sierpiński, MD, PhD, stressed that the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub is an open initiative and we are happy to welcome new partners. Until now, WHIH has been joined mainly by global players. Signing an agreement with the Polish company Adamed is particularly important to me because we care a lot about Polish companies - their development, experience and involvement in our initiative. I know that our Polish companies have a lot to offer in terms of innovation development, new technologies, medical devices or digital solutions. I hope that together we will manage to develop solutions that will develop, improve and modernize the health care system for the benefit of Polish patients.

In turn, this week President Sierpiński signed an agreement with Amgen, which was represented by Jacek Graliński, Director of Corporate Affairs.

- The Warsaw Health Innovation Hub is an excellent platform for collaborative dialogue and implementation of joint public-private projects addressing specific challenges in the healthcare system. By joining this initiative, Amgen would like to be an inspiration and partner in developing a model for the use of real-world data, so essential in a healthcare system increasingly focused on health outcomes," said Jacek Gralinski, Chief Corporate Officer, Amgen.

Also this week, Sanofi joined the ranks of WHIH. During a meeting at the Medical Research Agency, Agnieszka Grzybowska-Zalewska, President of the Management Board of Sanofi in Poland, and Magdalena Kruszewska, Central and South Europe MCO Lead, Sanofi, signed a cooperation agreement with Sanofi.

- I am glad that we have started the cooperation with Warsaw Health Innovation Hub and together with other partners of this project, we will be able to support further improvement of the Polish healthcare system, which ultimately, and I deeply believe, means a real improvement of patients' situation in our country, in these difficult times. I would like Poles to have wider access to many breakthrough therapies, but also to achieve the best possible results of treatment with medicines that are already available in our country. I trust that together with the Medical Research Agency we will work on initiatives supporting this goal - said Agnieszka Grzybowska-Zalewska, CEO of Sanofi in Poland.
