Warsaw Health Innovation Hub EN

01.09.2024, 12:21

GSK and Philips joined the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub

This week two more companies officially became partners of Warsaw Health Innovation Hub. The first one is GSK and the second one is Philips Poland.
The ceremony of signing the agreement with GSK took place in Medical Research Agency and was attended by special guest Alberto Fernandez, Senior Vice President of Global Clinical Operations, GSK, and Natalia Tomkiewicz, Head of Global Clinical Research and R&D Hub Warsaw Leader.

- GSK has been running numerous business projects in Poland for several dozen years. During all that time we have been focusing on three long-term priorities - innovation, achievement and building social trust. All these features are also connected by Warsaw Health Innovation Hub initiative, which is the place where experience is exchanged, ideas flow and relations are established between key entities that have influence on shaping the future of healthcare system. We are proud to join this extremely important platform and actively participate in its work. I am convinced that the cooperation established by GSK within Warsaw Health Innovation Hub will result in many successful implementations that will improve the quality of Polish healthcare and help patients". - said during the meeting Alberto Fernandez, Senior Vice President of Global Clinical Operations, GSK.

WHIH is a joint project of MRA and business partners from medicine, pharmacy and biotechnology sector. Among WHIH partners we have mostly pharmaceutical companies, however this week Philips Polska, the first medical device company, joined the group of partners.

The cooperation agreement was signed by Radosław Sierpiński, PhD, President of MRA, and Marcin Bruszewski, General Director of Philips Polska, Member of the Management Board. Michał Kępowicz, Director for Strategic Relations, Market Access Philips Polska was present during the ceremony and will represent the company on the WHIH Board.

- We are very pleased to join such a great group of strategic partners of the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub and work together to improve the quality of the healthcare system in Poland. This is another important step for us in supporting the vision of sustainable and patient-centered healthcare based on smart technologies. It is also very inspiring that we are signing this collaboration at a time when Philips is celebrating 100 years of presence in Poland. On one hand, this is the culmination of a certain stage of our activity, but at the same time it opens a new chapter in the future of medicine. I am glad that having common goals in mind and sharing our experience we will have a chance to develop further integrated, innovative solutions that will ensure maximum effectiveness of care at each stage of the process of protecting human life and contribute to improving patients' health - Michał Kępowicz, director of strategic relations, Philips Poland.
