Warsaw Health Innovation Hub EN

01.09.2024, 11:44

The President of the Medical Research Agency has established a public interest group within the WHIH

On 19 October 2021. ABM President Radosław Sierpiński, MD, PhD, appointed the Public Interest Working Group as a support unit for the implementation of the WHIH project and the WHIH Council in the performance of its tasks.
The Working Group consists of representatives of eight public institutions, among others:

  • Ministry of Health,
  • National Health Fund,
  • The Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System (AOTMiT),
  • the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products,
  • Patient Ombudsman,
  • Centre for e-Health,
  • Patent Office.

The tasks of the Group include issuing opinions on WHIH Partners' applications for WHIH recommendations for projects initiated and carried out by them in the area of creating innovative medical, technological and systemic solutions, in terms of their compliance with public interest and development plans of the Polish health care system. The positions of the Working Group members and the recommendations prepared on their basis for WHIH Partners' projects are aimed at ensuring novelty and innovativeness of the proposed solutions, as well as allowing to assess their impact on the public healthcare system and specific benefits they will bring to Polish patients. 
