Warsaw Health Innovation Hub EN

01.09.2024, 09:18

Warsaw Health Innovation Hub welcomes Medtech on board!

26.04.2022. Medical Research Agency President Radosław Sierpiński, MD, PhD, signed Agreements within the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub (WHIH) with four medical device companies: Becton Dickinson, Medtronic, Roche Diagnostics and Siemens Healthineers. The medical device sector is one of the most innovative industries in the medical market and the biggest challenge is the use of information technology.

- I am delighted that today we can see four global players from the medical device industry join the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub initiative. The interest shown by medtech companies in joining the initiative shows how important this industry is on the market. I believe that the huge potential, willingness to engage in dialogue and changes for the better will contribute to the improvement of the healthcare system," said Radosław Sierpiński, MD, PhD. In the draft Government Development Plan for the Biomedical Sector for 2022-2031, which is currently being prepared by the Council of Ministers, an entire area of the plan is devoted to competitions focusing on supporting entrepreneurs operating in the medical device market. We want to stimulate the development of, among others, solutions for remote monitoring of patients' health, effectiveness of therapy, predicting disease progression or supporting therapeutic decisions - added the president of the Medical Research Agency.

- Joining the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub by four entities so important to the Polish medical device sector will certainly boost the development of new, innovative products helping in the whole treatment process - from diagnostics to rehabilitation. It will also be an opportunity to strengthen cooperation between business and Polish scientists. I believe that such partnership will bring enormous benefits to Polish patients - emphasised Arkadiusz Grądkowski, president of the POLMED Chamber, which brings together manufacturers and distributors of medical devices operating in Poland. 

The cooperation agreement was signed on behalf of Becton Dickinson by Joanna Miros, CEO of Becton Dickinson.

- We are pleased that as Becton Dickinson we join the partners of Warsaw Health Innovation Hub and we will work together to create a healthier world by supporting medical discoveries, diagnostics and healthcare. We are committed to introducing real solutions of the highest quality, safe for patients and to building an effective healthcare system based on access to modern medical solutions and technologies. As Becton Dickinson, we use cutting-edge research and technologies such as molecular biology, mass spectrometry, robotics and automation. We hope that our presence within the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub will enable the implementation of innovative projects in the near future - said Joanna Miros.

Medtronic also joined the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub, and the cooperation agreement was signed by Anna Kasprzak, vice-president of Medtronic Central Ester Europe, and Adam Jagoda, general director of Medtronic Poland.

- Medtronic is the world leader in medical technologies. Our mission - to alleviate pain, restore health and extend life - unites more than 90,000 employees worldwide.  Every second, our innovative technologies change the lives of two people. The most important thing for us is the patient's well-being, therefore as an innovative company we are interested in expanding Polish patients' access to innovative therapies, and WHIH is an excellent platform for their implementation. So we are counting on effective cooperation between Medtronic Poland and the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub - said Adam Jagoda.

Another company that has joined the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub is Siemens Healtineers. The agreement was signed on their behalf by Kamil Gorczewski, Research Collaboration Manager, and the ceremony was also attended by Marek Witulski, Director of Diagnostic Imaging & Advanced Therapies at Siemens Healthineers.

- The Warsaw Health Innovation Hub enables the transfer of experience and ideas between key market players, and thus the creation of targeted solutions that respond to specific problems and needs of health care. This is a great value and opportunity for both parties," stressed Kamil Gorczewski.

- Siemens Healthineers' mission is to create solutions for a long life in health. We are constantly working on new medical technologies. We conduct research, design and test new diagnostic and therapeutic solutions - all in order to help patients faster and more precisely. One of our priorities is the dynamic development of artificial intelligence technology and its applications in medicine, and the development of precision medicine, of which AI is an immanent part. We are very happy that thanks to WHIH membership we will be able to share our knowledge, but also benefit from the experience of our partners, and together they will be able to change the face of modern medicine even more effectively," said Marek Witulski.

- We believe that thanks to over 125 years of experience in developing innovative solutions, we will be able to contribute to the further development of medical technology in Poland and worldwide - he added.

The agreement was signed on behalf of Roche Diagnostics by Bogna Cichowska - Duma, Healthcare System Partnering Lead

- As a partner of the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub, we look forward to broad opportunities of co-operation with the world of science, government and the entire medical device industry. Roche Diagnostics, as a company introducing innovative diagnostic solutions worldwide, has a lot to offer in such cooperation. Together with the WHIH and its partners, we want to propose specific projects that will have a significant impact on the directions of development of the Polish healthcare sector and that will bring real benefits to patients and clinicians. Warsaw Health Innovation Hub has a huge potential to initiate such cooperation - said Bogna Cichowska - Duma.
