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Central and Eastern European countries debated in Warsaw about the establishment of a new regional initiative in the field of health

On the initiative of the Medical Research Agency, on July 25, 2022, a meeting was organized in Warsaw, attended by representatives of the health care sector from eight Central and Eastern European countries and representatives of the largest global companies being a part of the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub (WHIH).

The aim of the workshop entitled "The 1st CEE Workshop on Public-Private Collaboration for Innovations in Healthcare” was to initiate talks on establishing a regional cooperation platform aimed at creating innovative solutions for improving and increasing the efficiency of health systems in our region with the participation of public-private partnerships. The meeting was an opportunity to share with countries interested in establishing cooperation the experiences from projects implemented under the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub.

- Cooperation with a wide range of public and private stakeholders, at the national and international level, is an opportunity for our region to make a major development leap, having a significant impact on strengthening health systems in Central and Eastern Europe - emphasized the President of the Medical Research Agency, Mr. Radosław Sierpiński, who hosted the meeting.

The MRA President emphasized that the global health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent shocks related to the Russian aggression on Ukraine lead to further weakening of the health care systems in our region, including disruption of supply chains necessary to ensure the drug safety of our countries. According to President Sierpiński, close cooperation of public and private sector entities within the Central and Eastern Europe region may have a positive impact on counteracting new threats in the future.

The meeting was held in a hybrid formula and was attended by representatives of Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania and Slovakia. The Deputy Minister of Health of the Czech Republic, Jakub Dvoracek, also took the floor, presenting the priorities of the Czech Presidency of the EU in the area of ​​health policy.

The partner of the workshop was EIT Health InnoStars (part of the European Institute of Technology), which is a network of the most innovative and developing projects in the health industry. It brings together commercial companies, research institutions, universities and development centers.

Talks on establishing a Central European cooperation network will be continued, inter alia, during the European Economic Forum in Karpacz.


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