Warsaw Health Innovation Hub EN

16.07.2024, 12:45

Angelini Pharma new partner of WHIH

During the conference "Building a bridge between Italian and Polish pharmacutical industry" organised by the Embassy of the Italian Republic in Poland in cooperation with the Medical Research Agency and the Ministry of Development and Technology, a ceremonial signing of the Agreement within the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub took place.

ABM President, Radosław Sierpiński, MD, PhD, together with Agnieszka Leszczyńska Country Manager Poland, Italian company Angelini Pharma, jointly signed a Cooperation Agreement. Thus Angelini has become another company joining the ranks of WHIH.

Angelini Pharma Poland has joined the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub (WHIH). WHIH is a unique, on a scale of Central Europe, platform for cooperation of economic, public and scientific entities, coordinated by the Innovation and Biotechnology Development Department of the Medical Research Agency. By signing the association agreement Angelini Pharma Poland joins a group of leading organisations from the sector of medicine, pharmacy and biotechnology, which thanks to the WHIH will together create modern services and products increasing the quality and effectiveness of the Polish healthcare system. Innovation is in the DNA of our brand, which is why we are happy to start working on joint projects!- comments Agnieszka Leszczyńska Country Manager Poland, Angelini Pharma.

- The addition of Angelini Pharma to the Warsaw biotechnology hub is an extremely important event. This innovative biotechnology company from Italy is strengthening the WHIH initiative. I am convinced that today's accent will soon bear fruit in modern therapies and projects which will serve to improve access to therapy for Polish patients. I am glad that together with Angelini Pharma we can work for the good of the Polish healthcare system and I look forward to seeing the first fruits of this collaboration," commented ABM President Radosław Sierpiński, MD, during the conference..
