Warsaw Health Innovation Hub EN

16.07.2024, 08:21

Novo Nordisk joined the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub

President of the Medical Research Agency, Radosław Sierpiński, MD, PhD and the General Director of Novo Nordisk, Ms. Magdalena Paradzińska, signed on January 12 an agreement on joining Novo Nordisk to the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub.

- First of all, I congratulate Novo Nordisk on its 100th anniversary celebrated this year. At that time, Novo Nordisk became a global tycoon in the production of insulin, which is also used by Polish diabetic patients. I hope that a company with such an established reputation, potential and knowledge of the needs of the Polish healthcare system will make a significant contribution to the development of projects implemented under the umbrella of the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub - said the President of MRA.

Novo Nordisk was represented by the General Director, Ms. Magdalena Poradzińska, the Health Policy Director, Mr. Wojciech Gryta, and Ms. Marta Daszuta.

- We are honored to be part of such an important initiative as the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub - emphasized the CEO of Novo Nordisk, Ms. Magdalena Paradzińska. - The Polish branch of Novo Nordisk, celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, supervises the second largest Novo Nordisk Clinical Research Center in the world and is responsible for approximately 17% of all patients in clinical trials globally. This means measurable benefits for patients with diabetes, obesity, haemophilia, as well as other chronic diseases we conduct research. I deeply believe that thanks to the partnership with the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub, we will contribute to an even better development of scientific knowledge and research centers in Poland - emphasized CEO of the Polish branch of Novo Nordisk.
