Warsaw Health Innovation Hub EN

01.09.2024, 11:37

Rome: Chiesi Poland became a new member of Warsaw Health Innovation Hub

Chiesi Poland has become another partner of the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub. The agreement on joining WHIH was signed during the visit of the Polish government delegation to Italy.

The agreement was signed on June 7, 2022 by the President of the Medical Research Agency, MD PhD Radosław Sierpiński and the Director of Public Affairs & Market Access in Chiesi Poland, Grzegorz Kowalik, during the scientific conference in Rome entitled "POLAND AND ITALY AGAINST CRISIS AND CHALLENGES IN THE HEALTH SECTOR - PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE". The Minister of Health, Dr. Adam Niedzielski and the Minister of Education and Science, Prof. Przemysław Czarnek took part in the signing ceremony. The conference was organized by the Institute for Social Affairs and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Rome.

- The signing of the agreement with Chiesi Poland should be considered not only from the perspective of accepting another serious partner to the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub, which I am very happy about, but also in terms of the very well-developed Polish-Italian cooperation in the field of health care. Today's conference in Rome with the participation of representatives of the Polish government: the Minister of Health and the Minister of Education and Science confirms the importance we attach to this cooperation. I count on the active involvement of Chiesi Poland as part of the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub and I believe that joint activities will contribute to the development of innovative therapeutic solutions - said the President of the Medical Research Agency, Radosław Sierpiński.

The Italian Chiesi Group is one of the world's leading manufacturers of modern and innovative medicinal solutions. It focuses on several therapeutic areas, primarily: respiratory diseases, neonatology, transplantation and rare diseases.

- I am extremely proud to sign an agreement between Chiesi Poland and Medical Research Agency on joining the Warsaw Health Innovation Hub. The uniqueness of this event lies in the fact that we met today in Italy, the place where the Chiesi Group history began. I sincerely hope for fruitful cooperation with WHIH and all partners of this project - said Director Grzegorz Kowalik, who represented Chiesi Poland.

Chiesi Poland became the 28th WHIH partner.


Photo: Laura Lelario


